Sunday, February 13, 2011

Great day in Christchurch

Nice time at the Christchurch club played a triples round-robin within 45 minutes plus one end. The one end after 45 minutes reduces the possibility of teams deliberately using delaying tactics towards the end of the 45 minutes when they are ahead - I like it! Lorraine and I had the good fortune to be teamed up with Theo Westerbeek a visiting Dutch player with 30 years international competitive play under his belt. What struck me most about Theo is that not only was he a hell of a nice guy, he was also a master petanque tactician. Tactical understanding and cunning displayed by Theo can only be acquired through many year of competition experience. The value of playing at a high tactical level is often underestimated I feel. Lorraine and I learned a lot from today. And yes, we also took some wine as winnings home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ton dank voor deze lieve woorden over mij.
Groetjes ook aan lorraine van mij (Theo)