About three months ago PNZ received two copies (for review) of
"Petanque The Greatest Game You Never Heard Of".
This weekend I too received two copies of this new Petanque book. I hope to have a book review on this Blog within the next two weeks.
In the meantime, the first two South Island clubs to contact me will each receive a copy of this book. Email Tom: usabilitynz@gmail.com with the name of your club and postal address.
This page has been viewed many times. No SI club has expressed an interest in receiving a free copy of this newly published book. I have therefore decided to give one copy to my Christchurch club and donate the other to the community library here in Redcliffs, Christchurch.
The review of the book will have to wait a bit, as I am recovering from injuries sustained in a road accident on February 14. -Tom.
"Hi, I would love a copy of the book. I have been doing training with our club on the Psychology of the game. The address would be (address removed by me)
Stefany Frost
Caversham Petanque Club
Hi Stefany,"
Will post one to you.
Cheers, Tom"
This was just in time as the community library is just across the road.
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